Healing With Art 2024:

Creativity for Self-Care

Your Journey to Transformation

& Inner Peace Begins Here...

Discover the Power of Creative Self-Care: 

A Year-Long Journey of Creative Art and Mindfulness Practices that will Change Your Life Forever!

Neglecting Self-Care: The Hidden Cost of Burn Out 

& a High-Stress Lifestyle!

What will it cost you if you don’t register for Healing With Art 2024?

The costs can be multifaceted and significant. If you are working in a high-stress environment, and possibly dealing with emotional trauma, life changes or mental health, the absence of a solution like this course can lead to a cascade of negative impacts, both personally and professionally. These include the following:

Emotional and Psychological Costs:

  • Increased Stress and Anxiety: Without the tools our course offers for managing stress, you are likely to experience heightened levels of anxiety. This can manifest as sleep disturbances, irritability, and a pervasive sense of being overwhelmed.
  • Unprocessed Trauma: Without a means to process your experiences creatively, as our course might allow, emotional wounds can fester, leading to deeper psychological issues such as depression or chronic anxiety.
  • Stagnation in Personal Growth: The desire for personal insight and transformation will go unmet, leaving you feeling stuck in your current state without a clear path forward.

Physical Health Costs:

  • Burnout: The neglect of self-care can lead to physical symptoms of burnout, including exhaustion, headaches, and a weakened immune system, resulting in more frequent illnesses and potentially serious health conditions.
  • Neglect of Physical Wellness: Chronic stress without relief may lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and substance abuse, further exacerbating health issues.

Professional Costs:

  • Decreased Productivity: The struggle with work-life balance and the potential for burnout can lead to decreased productivity at work, affecting performance, job satisfaction, and advancement opportunities.
  • Strained Relationships: A lack of balance may strain professional relationships as you may be less able to engage positively with colleagues due to stress and fatigue.

Personal and Social Costs:

  • Deteriorating Relationships: Without the ability to disconnect from work and engage in fulfilling hobbies, personal relationships can suffer, leading to isolation and a lack of support during challenging times.
  • Missed Life Experiences: The transformative experiences that our course could facilitate will be missed, depriving you of opportunities for solace, expression, and the joys of personal development.

Opportunity Cost:

  • Loss of Potential: By not engaging with this course you may never realise your full potential or regain the sense of empowerment and control over your life that our course could help foster.

In summary, without our course, you face a future where stress and lack of fulfillment remain unaddressed, leading to a downward spiral affecting all aspects of their life. The tangible and concrete costs are numerous: sleepless nights, chronic health issues, missed promotions, weakened relationships, and a pervasive sense of unfulfilled potential. All of which culminate in a life that feels more endured than enjoyed.

What will happen when you register for Healing With Art 2024?

As a result of this course, you will transition from an overwhelmed, overworked individual to a more balanced, self-aware person who values and prioritises mental health. You'll undergo a transformative journey where you'll learn to channel emotions and experiences through creative outlets, leading to emotional healing and personal insight.

Here are some tangible transformations that you'll experience:

  • Emotional Healing: By engaging with this course, you'll find a non-traditional way of healing. you'll learn to process experiences creatively, turning challenges into beautiful creations. This will help you release pent-up emotions and find inner calm.
  • Improved Work-Life Balance: You'll learn to strike a better work-life balance. you'll realise the importance of disconnecting from work and dedicating time for self-care. This will result in less burnout, better productivity at work, and a happier, more balanced life.
  • Personal Development: Engagement with this course will lead to significant personal development. You'll become more self-aware and in tune with your emotions. This will impact not just your personal life, but your professional life as well; you'll become better at handling stress and managing emotions.
  • Rekindled Passion for Hobbies: As you find joy in creative expression, you'll rekindle love for hobbies that you may have neglected due to work pressure. This might even open up new avenues of interest, adding more colour and zest to your life.
  • Better Mental Health: Above all, you'll develop a healthier mental state. you'll learn coping mechanisms and therapeutic techniques that will help you manage your mental health better. The creative process will serve as a form of therapy, leading to a more positive, optimistic outlook on life.

This transformation will not only change the way you approach work and your personal life, but also how you view yourself. You'll emerge from this experience with a renewed sense of self, armed with the tools to tackle the challenges that life throws at you.

Healing With Art 2024:  Creativity for Self-Care

Over the course of a year, Healing with Art 2024 will guide you through a variety of artistic and mindfulness practices, each aimed at unlocking your creative potential and nurturing a sense of inner calm. You'll journey into the world of non-traditional healing, using art and other practices as a tool to better understand and express your emotions.

Healing with Art 2024 isn’t just an art course. It’s a personal growth experience that will positively impact all areas of your life. Say YES to 'YOU'...Come and join our online course that will take you on an amazing year long journey where you get to create a transformative experience that invites you to PAUSE, RECONNECT and TRANSFORM!

Early Bird Special offer! 

Register BEFORE 11 March to receive the Bonuses! (See Below)

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

This course will empower you to achieve a harmonious work-life balance, revitalise your emotional well-being with creative healing practices, and unlock a renewed sense of self that flourishes in both personal fulfillment and professional success.

Weekly Lessons

Each week you will receive an amazing lesson from a different teacher that will take you on transformational journey!

52 Weeks of Self-Care Inspiration

You will receive a video lesson each week for a whole year that will allow you to 'Pause, Reconnect, and Transform'.

Different Self-Care Techniques

There is a variety of different self-care techniques to guide you on how to take care of the most important thing in the world...YOU! 

A New YOU!

Our aim with this course is to help you take care of YOU by giving yourself the time and space to connect on a deeper level of who you truly are!

Here’s what people are saying about the course

Marie Fullman


Working with Sue has transformed my life! I feel so much more balanced and at peace!

Learning different techniques on how to implement self-care into my busy stressful life has completely changed the way I now live my life!

Sue Maybury


The techniques I've learnt are now part of my daily self-care routine!

Thank you for creating such a beautiful space that allowed me to stop and look at my life and understanding that self-care is the most important aspect of my life!

Gem Howard


I've noticed significant improvements in my mental health since I started working with Sue!

I'm amazed at the transformation I've experienced. I'm happier, more balanced, and more in tune with myself.

Check out what you will experience

There are many amazing modalities you will get to try....here are a few of our favourites:


Healing with Art

'Healing with Art' is your transformative journey of self-discovery and emotional healing through creative expression. It's a therapeutic approach that helps you process complex emotions, overcome stress, and navigate life changes. By channeling your experiences and emotions into art, you find a unique outlet to express yourself, leading to emotional release and a deeper understanding of your mental state. This creative process not only fosters your self-awareness and personal development but also aids in improving your mental health. With 'Healing with Art', you can strike a better work-life balance, rekindle your passion for hobbies, and develop mechanisms for handling stress and emotions. It's your journey towards a healthier, more balanced life, and a renewed sense of self.



'Neurographica' is a revolutionary art technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious mind and unlock your creative potential. As a method of self-exploration and transformation, 'Neurographica' helps you visualize and reshape your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Through the process of drawing and creating intricate designs, you're able to release mental blocks and negative patterns. Not only does it provide a therapeutic outlet for stress, but 'Neurographica' also promotes personal growth, self-awareness, and emotional healing. Engaging in 'Neurographica' offers you an opportunity to better understand yourself, manage your emotions, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and confidence. It's your path towards a more balanced, fulfilling life through the power of art and psychology.


Meditation & Mindfulness

'Meditation and Mindfulness' are powerful practices that help you cultivate a greater sense of calm, focus, and self-awareness. By taking the time to meditate, you allow yourself to slow down and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice of inner observation helps you to stay grounded in the present moment, reducing stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, mindfulness extends this state of present awareness into your everyday life. Whether you're eating, walking, or doing chores, mindfulness encourages you to fully engage with your current activity, promoting a sense of peace and enjoyment in what might otherwise be mundane tasks. Together, 'Meditation and Mindfulness' support your mental health, improve your concentration, and heighten your appreciation of life's simple pleasures. They offer you a path to a more balanced, serene, and fulfilled life.


Sound Healing

'Sound Healing' is a therapeutic practice that uses the power of sound and vibration to promote emotional and physical healing. As you immerse yourself in the harmonious sounds of gongs, singing bowls, or other resonant instruments, you allow the sound waves to wash over you, penetrating deep into your body. These vibrations can help to balance your energy, release tension, and stimulate healing processes within your body. 'Sound Healing' provides a unique experience that not only soothes your mind and body, but also helps you to tune into your inner self, promoting emotional release, stress reduction, and a heightened sense of well-being. It's a journey of relaxation, transformation, and healing that leaves you feeling refreshed, balanced, and in tune with your own rhythm.


Crystal Healing

'Crystal Healing' is an alternative therapy that harnesses the unique vibrations of various crystals to promote emotional and physical healing. Each crystal has its own energy, and as you interact with these crystals, they can help to align, balance, and cleanse your own energy fields or 'chakras.' Whether you're holding a crystal during meditation, wearing it as jewelry, or placing it in your living space, 'Crystal Healing' allows you to tap into the healing properties of these natural wonders. This practice can bring about a sense of peace, reduce stress, and encourage positive transformations in your life. 'Crystal Healing' is your journey towards greater balance, vitality, and spiritual growth, helping you to connect with the Earth's energies and your own inner wisdom.



'Nutrition' is the cornerstone of your overall health and well-being. It's about nourishing your body with a balanced diet that's rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. As you pay attention to what you eat, you ensure that your body gets the right fuel to function optimally. Good nutrition can boost your energy levels, improve your immune system, and help maintain a healthy weight. It also plays a crucial role in preventing various health issues, from heart disease to diabetes. But it's not just about physical health. Eating well can also positively impact your mood, mental clarity, and stress levels. 'Nutrition' is your journey towards a healthier, more energized, and vibrant life, where mindful eating becomes a tool for self-care and wellness.



'Singing' is a soulful expression that allows you to communicate emotions and stories through melody and rhythm. As you immerse yourself in the act of singing, you not only discover your unique voice, but also experience a profound emotional release. Singing can be a therapeutic tool, helping you to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase self-confidence. It also aids in improving lung function, posture, and even mental alertness. When you sing, whether in a choir, in the shower, or on a stage, you engage in a form of self-expression that's both liberating and empowering. 'Singing' is your journey towards self-discovery, emotional healing, and personal growth, offering a joyful and creative outlet that resonates with your inner self.



'Yoga' is a holistic practice that promotes harmony between your mind, body, and spirit. As you engage in yoga, you'll find it's more than just a physical exercise; it's a path to greater self-awareness, inner peace, and overall well-being. Through a combination of mindful postures, focused breathing, and meditation, yoga helps you to release tension, improve flexibility, and cultivate a sense of balance in your life. It offers a space for you to tune into your body and mind, promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity. 'Yoga' is your journey towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle, fostering physical strength, emotional resilience, and a deeper connection with your inner self.


Receive these bonuses when you register for

"Healing With Art 2024: Creativity for Self Care"

BEFORE 11 March

Imagine yourself one year from now:

You have just completed the 'Healing with Art 2024:  Creativity for Self-Care'. You are now able to manage your stress more effectively. You have found a safe space in this course where you can express your emotions and process your experiences creatively. You now spend your evenings after work exploring different creative therapies instead of drowning in overtime work. Your work-life balance has improved significantly. You feels more relaxed and in control of your life.

Bonus 1
Make your own Art Journal

Get access to the "Make your own Art Journal" workshop.

This bonus of making your own art journal is great place to help you with creating all the amazing things you will learn in this course. It's a place to keep it all in one place so that you can continually reflect back on it and see how far you have come.

Bonus 2
Writer's Block Journal

Get your copy of the Author Academy Writer's Block Journal.

This journal is a 90-day writing journal that is a gentle guidance through image, symbols and writing...what you will find is:

  • 30 days of Visual Writing Prompts
  • 30 days of Question/Sentence Starter Writing Prompts
  • 30 days of Symbolic Writing Prompts
Bonus 3
Make your own Writing Journal

Get access to the "Make your own Writing Journal" workshop.

This workshop will show you how to create unique writing journal to keep all your notes about this course as you go through the year. It's also a great way to reflect and add meaning to what you have learnt along your journey.

Meet Your Teachers

Mysha Oveson

Mysha Oveson

Lucinda Lane

Lucinda Lane

Jen Faye Colombo

Jen Faye Colombo

Angela Murray

Angela Murray

Brenda Staat-Tomlinson

Brenda Staat-Tomlinson

Carmelle Moore

Carmelle Moore

Myia Cleggett

Myia Cleggett

Colleen Talbot

Colleen Talbot

Tammy Mitzka-Crawford

Tammy Mitzka-Crawford

Jane Lassiter

Jane Bell Lassiter

Shaz Cini

Shaz Cini

Laurie Morse

Laurie Morse

Belinda McMahon

Belinda McMahon

Carol Aravena

Carol Aravena

Carmelle Riley

Carmelle Riley

Jude Eisenhuth

Jude Eisenhuth

Diane Collett

Diane Collett

Kara Cabassa

Kara Cabassa

Sue Kennedy

Why 'Healing with Art 2024: Creativity for Self Care' is for You:

In the relentless pace of today's world, it's easy to lose sight of your inner self. You're a resilient woman, navigating through high-stress environments, balancing demanding roles, and possibly healing from emotional wounds. But it doesn't have to be this way. That's where Healing with Art 2024 comes in. Designed specifically for women like you, this unique course combines mindfulness and art-making to create a transformative experience that invites you to pause, reconnect, and transform.

Over the course of a year, Healing with Art 2024 will guide you through a variety of artistic and mindfulness practices, each aimed at unlocking your creative potential and nurturing a sense of inner calm. You'll journey into the world of non-traditional healing, using art and other practices as a tool to better understand and express your emotions.

But Healing with Art 2024 isn’t just an art course. It’s a personal growth experience that will positively impact all areas of your life.

As a participant in Healing with Art 2024, you can expect to:

- Gain creative techniques to express emotions and process experiences

- Learn mindfulness practices that instill a deep sense of inner calm

- Nurture your creativity, even amidst a high-stress environment

- Develop a self-care routine that fits into your demanding schedule

- Experience a transformative journey leading to personal insight and solace

Are you ready to reclaim your time, rediscover your creativity, and start on a path of personal transformation? Register for Healing with Art 2024 today and take the first step towards a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Click below to start your journey of transformation with Healing with Art 2024. Your future self will thank you!


Weekly Creative Classes For a Whole Year!



  • Lifetime Access
  • Starts 25 March 2024
  • Weekly lessons for a whole year
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Save $ paying full payment
Monthly Payments

Weekly Creative Classes For a Whole Year!



  • Lifetime Access
  • Starts 25 March 2024
  • Weekly lessons for a whole year
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access for?

The course comes with lifetime access. Lifetime access means that you can access the content for as long as Healing With Art is operational. 

Can I get a refund?

Once the course starts on March 25, we are unable to offer a refund. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about the course before the course starts.

How will I receive my course?

The course is delivered via pre-recorded videos. The video lessons are accompanied by supply lists where applicable. There is no live component to this course aside from answering questions and providing feedback in the Facebook group.

Is there a dedicated support group?

Yes, there will be a private Facebook group for participants. 

When does the course start and finish?

The course starts 25 March 2024 and finishes 17 March 2025.

What level is the course suitable for?

This course is for anyone is looking to improve their life through creativity. It is suitable for complete beginners and more experienced artists.

What materials do I need?

A material supply list will be included each week where required. Please note that the materials are not included in the cost of the course. Please think of the supply list as a guide. We encourage you to work with what you have and adapt the course to suit your needs.

Where can I get technical support?

The Facebook Group will be monitored regularly. Where possible, we will answer specific questions and provide feedback, but due to the number of students, we are unable to respond to all posts. For technical queries, please email sue@healingwithart.com.au

One time payment

Weekly Creative Classes For a Whole Year!



  • Lifetime Access
  • Starts 25 March 2024
  • Weekly lessons for a whole year
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • Save $ paying full payment
Monthly Payments

Weekly Creative Classes For a Whole Year!



  • Lifetime Access
  • Starts 25 March 2024
  • Weekly lessons for a whole year
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
regular course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
Advanced course

One sentence summary of what they get




  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • X number of bonuses
  • Access to Private Facebook Group
  • 30 minute private coaching call

One final note...

This course is one that I am very proud of and my wish is that you feel inspired enough to register for this course allowing it to empower you to become a better version of you!

You owe it to yourself to put 'YOU' first and enjoy a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing that will enable you to explore your experiences creatively, regain your work-life balance, and build a fulfilling life centered around mindfulness, self-care, and personal growth.

Healing with Art

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